22 Yoga Asanas Pose and Its Pictures, Get Healthy Body!

Yoga asanas are one of the easiest yoga practices to practice. Usually doing yoga Asanas accompanied by guide and tutorial pictures is quite easy to do. However, it can have a huge effect on the body if carried out to the fullest.

The movements performed in yoga asanas generally only require the body. For the rest, you only need to use the mat. Because if it is done on the floor or an uneven surface, it will most likely trigger pain in the body.

If you want to know the yoga asanas and their pictures, you can listen to some of the discussions below. That way, you can easily practice all the simple poses.


Mostly Applied Yoga Asanas Pose

In this article, we will discuss 22 yoga asanas and their pictures. That way, you can easily learn all the moves from simple to difficult.

1. Tadasana


Tadasana is one position that is quite easy to do. If you want to do this movement, you simply stand up straight and then place your hands on top. After that, the legs can be lifted slowly to make a tiptoe movement.

To do that, you can repeat for 10 times or more. Each repetition can be held for approximately 30-60 seconds. This exercise can strengthen the muscles in the abdomen and back.

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2. Uttanasana


The Uttanasana movement is done by aligning the hands with the feet. So, the body will bend down. This pose will put great pressure on the abdomen, but it also trains the muscles in the waist.

If you are a very beginner, it may be difficult to apply. However, it can still be trained slowly according to ability. Do this movement for 15-60 seconds and for repetitions according to the ability of the body.

3. Trikonasana


The legs are made into a V pose, then the hands are made straight with the up and down positions. The hands below are next to the feet. This position is generally inclined to one side where the hands are on the ground.

This movement works the muscles in the legs, abdomen, and hands. Do it regularly and slowly. Because it is generally a bit difficult for beginners to do.

4. Dhanurasana


Some people refer to this as the ship pose. Because the feet and hands are fused. After that, the lower body will withstand the weight of the body. This pose will train the body for the middle and also the legs.

This pose is actually quite easy to do. Even a beginner can run it. However, you need regular practice if you want to maximize the use of movement and get maximum results.

5. Kapalabhati Pranayama

Kapalabhati Pranayama

One of the basic movements of yoga is done by just sitting. However, the sitting position here must be in the perfect position. If you don’t, it’s likely to cause muscle irritation.

This movement is used for meditation. So, it must be perfect before proceeding to other movements.

6. Baddha Konasana

Baddha Konasana

A modified form of sitting perfectly in the previous position. However, now there are changes to the feet and hands. The two surfaces of the feet are made to meet each other. Furthermore, the hands also press from the left and right.

The body must be in an upright position so that the inhalation and exhalation will not be disturbed.

7. Sirsasana


This pose is a little difficult to do because there are many parts of the body that must be bent. However, it can train a lot of muscles in the body. One of them is the muscles in the legs, arms, and stomach. It also trains flexibility.

Generally, this movement is done for a few seconds. Because it is quite difficult, some people usually a bit difficult to run on a regular basis.

8. Sarvangasana


Yoga with this pose is very similar to the leg rise position. However, with support at the waist. Legs are made to be higher. The back will support the weight of the body as a whole.

This movement is done for a few seconds and then the body back down. Repeat again until the body can not do it.

9. Paschimottanasana


This movement is very similar to sitting relaxed, but the hands are made straight and parallel to the legs. Next, the legs are slightly raised and the abdomen provides high pressure. At first glance, this movement seems normal, but it’s a little inconvenient when it’s run.

10. Halasana


If you want to do this movement, it might be a little difficult to do, because the pose that will be done is a somersault. The concept is like raising the legs above and then bending back. In addition, the hand also remains parallel to the hand.

This movement can only be done if you are used to doing leg raises. In addition, also make sure you already have a good core. Because if not, the stomach will hurt.

11. Bhujangasana


Very similar to the cobra yoga movement. However, the legs at the back are also bent. So, the load will be concentrated in the middle. This style may be a bit difficult to do because it requires high resistance.

12. Pavanamuktasana


You only need to do a supine sleeping position. After that, the legs are slightly bent on the inside. By doing this, the core muscles become more trained. In addition, the legs and arms also become stronger.

13. Uttana Padasana

Uttana Padasana

If you want to do this, make sure your feet and hands are parallel as you do it. In addition, the middle body or core must also be curved. With the right position, you can work quite a lot of muscles in the middle.

14. Setu Bandhasana

Setu Bandhasana

It takes quite a bit of practice to be able to do this fairly difficult move. Because it requires a fairly good resistance. In addition, the balance of the body will also determine the perfection of the movement.

15. Vajrasana


Variations of yoga movements that are done sitting. Legs bent back in a perfect position. Next, the hands are made to go up, put together, then slightly pulled while taking a breath.

16. Matsyendrasana


This yoga movement is done as if you were sitting. However, the feet and hands must use the right position. So, it’s like being rotated so that a lot of the middle muscles are trained.

17. Ananda Balasana

Ananda Balasana

This pose is very similar to a baby sleeping on his back. However, the feet and hands are related to each other. If you do this make sure you have good core muscles so that it is not difficult to maintain position and breath.

18. Reply


This yoga movement is very similar to doing prostration. However, the legs are slightly bent or occupied. Next, the hands are made straight in front of them as far as possible. This position will train the muscles in the stomach and hands.

For starters, usually this movement is a bit difficult to do. However, over time it will get easier.

19. Shavasana


Yoga with this movement is one of the easiest to practice. Because you don’t need to do complicated movements. Just do movements such as sleeping on your back and your hands on the left or right.

Although it looks simple, it turns out that this movement also requires the right position. Also, pay attention to your breath. That way, the muscles in the body can be more relaxed.

20. Virabhadrasana


This yoga movement or pose is very similar to a lunge. The leg is brought forward or bent forward, then the other leg is made straight back. Hands can be made straight and parallel to the body or can be made straight up.

Virabhadrasana is generally a bit easy to run. However, it does require a high degree of precision. If not, there will most likely be problems with the balance of the body while doing it.

21. Ustrasana


This pose is not easy to do. Because the surface of the hands and feet must touch perfectly. Meanwhile, the body must lean back in order to maximize all body functions.

Regular practice is needed for this movement to be perfect. However, if you get used to it, the muscles will become stronger and the body will also become more flexible.

22. Garudasana


At first glance, the movements shown are quite simple to carry out. However, it is also quite complicated to put into practice. Moreover, the legs and arms seem to circle one another. In addition, the position must also be perfect.

This pose will train the balance that is owned by the body. In addition, it will also train the resistance of the feet and hands.

It turns out that the 22 yoga Asanas and their pictures are quite easy to carry out. You don’t need any special tools and only need to use the mat. The rest, as long as the movement is done correctly, the body will not experience pain.

Generally, the movements that have been discussed above are useful for overcoming pain in the body to slimming.

However, keep it together with a healthy and perfect lifestyle so that the body still gets balanced nutrition.


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